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2023-01-15 10:55:57运动养生
本篇文章给大家谈谈饮食运动养生英文,以及健康饮食锻炼身体的英文对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。 英语作文(80词) 请从饮食和运动两方面,谈谈你是怎样保持健康的? How to keep healthy...


英语作文(80词) 请从饮食和运动两方面,谈谈你是怎样保持健康的?

How to keep healthy


What is the most important thing in the world? I think it is health.You can take away our money, house, car, or even our clothes and we can survive. But if our health was taken away, we would surely die. That is why we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly.什么是世界上最重要的事情?我想,答案应该是健康。我们可以在没有钱、房子、车子,甚至衣服的情况下,活着。但是如果我们的健康被带走了,我们肯定就活不下去了。这就是为什么我们总是努力以一种健康的方式吃东西和规律地运动。 二In order to eat healthily, I usually avoid eating food high in fat, like french fries or cookies. I also eat little meat. I eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of vitamins. Taking exercise every day helps us build a strong body. Regular exercise is an important part of keeping me healthy.


What's more, I think friends are an important part of one's health. Many studies show that people with a wide range of social contacts get sick less than those who don't. I always feel better when I am with friends than when I am alone. When I am with my friends, I always laugh. Laughing is also an important part of health. I like to laugh with my friends.



By eating properly and exercising regularly, I can keep my body at a proper weight and keep healthy. By spending time with my friends, I can keep my mind as well as my body happy. These things sound easy to do, but not many people can manage them. I think a strong will is necessary if we want to keep healthy.



The Way To Keep Healthy

Health has become a very important part of our life,and there are many ways to keep heathy.

First,you can eat more fruit and vegetables,and you'd better drink more warn water.Next,you have to do lots of exercise.And having at least 8 hours'sleep a night.Remember,don't drink coffe or tea before you go to bed,don't eat too much sugar and don't work or study too late,it will make you too tired.

If you care about yourself, it's easy to have a healthy lifestyle


"养生"英文:preserve one's health;养生会馆的英文:Health Center

health 读法 英 [helθ]   美 [helθ]



1、health insurance 健康保险

2、world health organization 世界卫生组织

3、community health 社区卫生(健康);公共卫生;社会健康

4、health products 保健品

5、health and safety 卫生安全;安全保健部门



strength 读法 英 [streŋθ; streŋkθ]  美 [strɛŋθ]

n. 力量;力气;兵力;长处


1、in strength 大量地

2、bending strength 弯曲强度;抗弯强度

3、on the strength of adv. 基于;凭借…;依赖…

4、yield strength 屈服强度;屈变力;抗屈强度

5、compression strength 抗压强度;压缩强度



1、power指身体上、精神上或心理上的力量, 不管是表现出来的还是潜在的。


3、strength指内部固有的力量,表示物质力量时,着重体格或构造健全、完善等方面的力量, 如体力强度等;表示精神力量时, 指持久、坚定、无畏、坚韧等。

翻译 每天早上锻炼身体,多运动,养成良好的饮食习惯,多休息 用英语怎么说

we should develop a good personal life habits,more teethbrush.more rushing, every morning, exercise, develop good eating habits, plenty of rest, a place not to many people gathered to open the classroom windows and doors, is classroom and more ventilation

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